Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics Together?

One of my great concerns for orthodox Anglicanism is that we may lose the Anglo-Catholics. Many have already been lost to Rome. And that stream could become a flash flood if the Church of England Synod this weekend approves women bishops without structural provision for objectors. Outside of England many A-Cs look askance at GAFCON and the evangelical flavor of its statement and don’t see a good home even among conservatives.

Now, there are some Anglo-Catholics who just can’t be pleased. They would rather the One Holy and Apostolic Church meet in their apartment than to join with churches that aren’t just so. And, of course, there are those uber-Protestants who can’t be pleased either, who are allergic to incense, break out in hives at the mention of Mary, and don’t want anything to do with anything remotely Cartholick. Yes, I do sometimes get frustrated with both varieties of nit-pickers.

With those Anglo-Catholics who aren’t very eager to join with other orthodox Anglicans and with those evangelicals who wouldn’t be very sad to see them go, there is the potential to lose many, even most orthodox Anglo-Catholics to Rome and Constantinople. I would hate to see that. It would greatly impoverish Anglicanism.

But all is not gloomy. I’m encouraged by some responses to GAFCON from both evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics.

From the evangelical wing come remarkably conciliatory comments from the Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen at All Souls, London. For example:

The last two weeks have been two of the most extraordinary in my life. What we are dealing with here is not a split, but a movement possibly as significant as the Evangelical Revival, or even the Anglo-Catholic movement if you prefer, and it may bring Evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics together.

Coming from someone who *understatement alert* hasn’t exactly been a great friend to Anglo-Catholics, that is quite an olive branch and is encouraging.

On the Anglo-Catholic side, I’m encouraged by the enthusiastic support of GAFCON from the Diocese of Ft. Worth. Bishop Iker quickly endorsed GAFCON. And other positive responses may be sampled here and here. From Ft. Worth, I see a recognition that GAFCON isn’t perfect but that it is very good progress and worthy of support. I also see a recognition that orthodoxy includes the orthopraxy of flexing on the details of secondary matters for the sake of orthodox Anglican unity.

Would all those who believe in “the communion of the saints” and “one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church” act like it and follow their good example.


mousestalker said...

As a good Anglo-Catholic (AC for short), I must admit I have always found my Low Church off-putting, what with their overall sweatiness and ink stains and hiliter marks on their fingers. :)

In the spirit of fraternity and general post GAFCON good cheer, I'm willing to overlook you lots' liturgical flaws. You are all, after all, Christians, and that counts everything in the current Episcopal Church.

Just try to keep the sermons brief. Loquacity has never been recognized as a virtue by anyone.

Mark said...
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Mark said...

*psst* When it comes to liturgy and some theology, I'm AC, too. :)


mousestalker said...

That's how we suck you in. First you start chanting prayers and the next thing you know you're genuflecting and then it's on to incense and at the end you wind up drawing careful distinctions between your doctrine of purgatory and the roman one that is so roundly condemned in the thirty nine articles. ;)

Texanglican (R.W. Foster+) said...

Matthew, I am glad that you are still concerned to define your way out of violating the 39 Articles! I know a few priests around here who are so thoroughly Romanized that they could care less! :-)

Texanglican (R.W. Foster+) said...

Newbie, you can add Forward in Faith North America to the list of Anglo-Catholics that have received the Jerusalem Statement positively.

It is, indeed, as hopeful time.

Mark said...

Ha! Tex, I saw your comment just as I was about to post on the FIFNA statement.
