Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Protesters Block Road . . . and a Driver is Arrested. HUH?

Sometimes an event is so head-scratching and/or outrageous that it puts even me at a loss for words.  Perhaps, Jim Hoft says it best, “It’s an Obama world.”

The short version of what has me at a loss follows.  In Dekalb, Illinois, “Black Lives Matter” protesters blocked Lincoln Highway.  When a driver had the green light, he slowly tried to get past the protesters.  A pregnant woman was slightly injured. (Aside: And I smell an exaggeration of injuries here.  That sort of ruse in an old trick in the Leftist playbook as is provoking or creating an incident.)  The protesters stormed the car.  The driver turned into the police parking lot to seek refuge.  Police had to restrain oh-so peaceful protesters from attacking the driver.

Now here are details that have me shaking my head.  The protesters were blocking traffic right by the Dekalb Police station.  Why did not police remove the protesters, forcibly if necessary?  And, yes, police allowing this behavior is a problem across the nation.

And then, after an incident for which police and/or those directing them share responsibility by their inaction, it is the driver who is charged and in danger of jail:

The woman was taken to Kishwaukee Hospital in DeKalb with minor injuries, treated and released, while Wittke was charged with reckless driving and failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk, Petragallo said. The more serious charge, reckless driving, is punishable with probation or up to a year in the county jail.

Expanding to the big picture, what we have here is an undermining of the rule of law at every level of government, from the President to police chiefs.  And we have a very unequal application of law enforcement.  If you are an illegal or a looter – or a traffic blocker – probably nothing happens to you.  But if you are law-abiding citizen asserting your lawful rights, God help you.

As I tell friends, it is better to be an illegal alien criminal under Obama than a law-abiding U. S. citizen.

In such an atmosphere, it will not take much for a backlash, perhaps in the form of vigilante justice, to get very ugly indeed.   Take blocked traffic.  That induces a lot of rage as it is.  Combine that with the (correct) perception that the powers that be side with those intentionally blocking traffic rather than with you the driver trying to go about his or her business . . . it could get ugly fast.

Similar warnings could be said in other areas of civic life.  The continual undermining and perversion of the rule of law by all levels of government has this country too close to a tipping point.

And perhaps I best stop there except to urge prayer.


The organizer for the above protesters could be a poster child for a lot of things, none of them good.

The protest organizer, a Grad student at NIU, says that he is planning more protest when NIU classes resume in January, but told the Daily Chronicle he’ll be leaving town after he graduates because, as he claims, some people said “racist” things towards him and the other protesters including giving them the finger.

He blocks traffic . . . and is unhappy that drivers call him names and give him naughty gestures.

I've got nothing. . . . nothing printable at least.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

And here, the city council is taking a page from Obama law. At the same meeting they made it illegal for businesses operating within the city, to ask applicants if they have a criminal conviction or do background checks before offering employment, AND:
Denying a liscense to Uber to operate within the city until they gave written assurances to the council, that all their drivers have passed criminal background checks!
Damned it they do and damned if they don't ! There will probably be a lawsuit !