Thursday, April 25, 2019

Presiding Bishop Sutton Issues Letter in Response to Hicks Resignation

As noted yesterday, REC Bishop David Hicks plans to resign as the Bishop of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic to become Rector of St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Butler in the ACNA Diocese of Pittsburgh.
Today, Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton issued a letter addressing this change.  As you may have surmised from my bare bones post yesterday, Hicks’ resignation may prompt some to raise questions concerning Hicks’ and the REC’s commitment on the issue of Holy Orders.  Sutton addresses that head on:
For any concerned on the matter of Holy Orders, however, it may help to know that although the Diocese of Pittsburgh (ACNA) allows for the ordination of women to the diaconate and presbyterate, there are also parishes in the diocese that do not share this belief and practice. St. Peter’s Anglican Church (Butler) is one of those congregations. The Reformed Episcopal Church in all of its dioceses, however, is resolute and clear on its understanding of the Holy Scriptures and the practice of the historic Church as articulated in our Constitution and Canons: only males serve in the three offices of this church (Deacon, Priest and Bishop). Please know that our bishops and clergy continue to pledge our fidelity to and remain unwavering in our convictions to uphold these ancient standards!
And with Hicks remaining an REC bishop until July 31st, that apparently includes him, a conclusion confirmed by private communications.
One may still ask if being opposed to WO in a diocese and under a bishop that supports WO is a tenable position.  Good cases can be made for yea or nay on that question. But I see no reason to think the Diocese of Pittsburgh will be ungracious in that regard.  And even in the unlikely event it becomes so, ACNA parishes are not captives as in The Episcopal Church.
More could be said, but I will leave the subject for now.
Sutton’s letter addresses much more concerning this change. I recommend reading it all.

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