Thursday, April 04, 2019

BREAKING: Pope Francis Appoints Yet Another Libchurcher as Archbishop of DC

Pope Francis continues to stack the episcopate.  This time D. C. gets yet another Libchurch Archbishop, Wilton Gregory.
Gregory is a protégé of Cardinal Bernardin, who ran cover for pro-abortion Democrats with his “seamless garment” crapola. Later, Gregory worked closely with Cardinal “Uncle Ted” McCarrick.  Accordingly, Gregory’s record is more liberal than thou. Debra Heine spells out some of the sordid details well.
With this appointment, Pope Francis demonstrates he has no shame. He is going to stack the episcopate with corrupt Libchurchers like himself come Hell or high water.

To their credit, some conservative churchpeople opposed this appointment:
Catholic Laity for Orthodox Bishops and Reform (Catholic Laity) has grave reservations about the appointment of Archbishop Wilton Gregory as Archbishop of Washington:
We urge the Holy See to seek out a worthy candidate who is without ties to Joseph Cardinal Bernardin, Mr. Theodore McCarrick, or Donald Cardinal Wuerl.  Archbishop Gregory was a protégé of Cardinal Bernardin in Chicago, where he first became an auxiliary bishop.  Cardinal Bernardin left a legacy of dilution of Catholic teaching and subversion of the fight to protect unborn babies and their mothers. 
In 2004, then-Bishop Gregory, as president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, collaborated with then-Cardinal McCarrick in deceiving the Bishops of the United States about  the contents of a letter from Cardinal Ratzinger, then-Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.  The letter said that politicians who support legal abortion should not be admitted to Holy Communion, but they did not reveal that to the other Bishops.  The Democrat candidate for President that year was a Catholic, John Kerry, who supported abortion.
Yes, faithfulness to the Democrat Party is far more important than faithfulness.
As for other Roman Catholic laity, shame on them if they do not cut off funds to that corrupt diocese immediately.  It is spineless laity that enable corrupt clerics.

MORE:  More on Wilton Gregory from George Neumayr and from Steve Skojec.  Francis sure does stack the Roman episcopate and the College of Cardinals with some real winners.

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