Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Bishop David Hicks to Resign, Leave REC to Lead ACNA Diocese of Pittsburgh Parish

In an Easter Monday letter to the Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (DNMA) of the Reformed Episcopal Church (REC), Bishop David Hicks announced that he will resign as Bishop of said diocese on July 31st to become Rector of St. Peter’s Anglican Church of Butler, PA the next day.  That parish is in the ACNA Diocese of Pittsburgh. 
Hicks had served as Chair of the Task Force on Holy Orders, which examined the issue of the ordination of women in ACNA.  At that time, he was (and is) an REC bishop.  The REC does not ordain women to Holy Orders.  The Diocese of Pittsburgh does ordain women.
The letter further states that REC Presiding Bishop Ray Sutton “will be leading the Diocese [DNMA] in the search for a new bishop….”
Do read the letter for yourself.

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