Thursday, September 24, 2009

Pope to Visit UK Next Year

The word is not official yet, but the Daily Telegraph reports that Pope Benedict will visit the UK next year. It would be only the second time a pope has visited Britain since the unpleasantness under Henry VIII.

UK Cartholicks of a traditionalist bent, such as Damian Thompson, are pleased and hope this will hasten the demise of some of the nonsense in the UK RC church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my view, the Pope is not the leader of Anglican believers. (Or, am I missing something?) Personally, I really don't care whether he visits other countries or stays locked up in the Vatican. Nor am I overly impressed with this man (Benedict), brilliant intellect though he is: He certainly lacks courage when it comes to Israel v. her enemies. Ergo: He is weak (or worse). My two cents.