Sunday, June 13, 2004

Speaking of enemies…

As you may have noticed, a lot of people are trying to capitalize on Ronald Reagan’s passing by pushing for expanded federal funding on stem cell research. That sounds all nice, but the thing is they want to harvest human embryos to do so.

Ronald Reagan respected human life and would oppose such a ghoulish thing. But that apparently hasn’t given the proponents any pause or shame. I myself felt like vomiting my breakfast at the sight of Ellen Goodman, a brainless, knee-jerk, leftist Feminazi who stands against just about everything Reagan stood for *catches breath* I just about lost my wheaties at the sight of her urging us to do this for Reagan.

Ellen Goodman, you were no help to Reagan while he was living. Guess what you can do with your help now?

By contrast, Mark Shea wrote a brief but excellent piece on the outrage of trying to use Ronald Reagan’s memory to harvest the unborn. I commend it to you. (Free registration may be required.)

By the way, I’m well aware that Nancy Reagan has called for expanded stem cell research. I have the highest respect for her. God bless her and her devotion to her late husband. And her feelings are certainly understandable. But she is simply wrong on this one. And even a proponent of stem cell research has called it “a long shot� that it would help Alzheimer’s patients.

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