Wednesday, March 13, 2019

But, but I thought the Woke Church crowd WANTED conversations!

This is admittedly old news, but I saw it for the first time today – and you will see my reasons for posting about it now.
Two recent notable events in the evangelical social justice debate recently were the Dallas Statement on Social Justice (which I think I signed) and the publication of Jemar Tisby’s The Color of Compromise.  Tisby’s book has been lauded by woke church types including in the Anglican Church in North America.  Others have critiqued the book; I will pass for now except to say that it is woker than woke on racial issues.
Now we often hear from woke church people that they want “conversations” about this or that.  But did their hero Tisby want a conversation with Dallas Statement people?

I’m tempted to refute the recent statement on the gospel and social justice point-by-point — showing how it falls short of the Bible’s call for justice. But I think our time would be better spent on other pursuits. There’s too much work to be done — work that will be delayed by endless debates.
Here’s my advice.
Many of the people who authored and signed this statement have large ministries and platforms.
Avoid them….
If the supporters of statements that dismiss social justice as a distraction from the gospel headline a major conference, state your concerns to the organizers. If nothing changes, then don’t go.
So much for conversations.  Maybe it’s just me, but that sounds more like shunning and deplatforming.
Here is James White’s take on Tisby’s statement.
Funny that in all the woke promotion of Tisby and his book, I have heard nothing about this until now.  Admittedly I was very busy preparing for studies (and beer drinking) in England back in September.  So part of that is me.
I will let readers draw other broader conclusions.  But as for me, I put woke requests for “conversations” in the same file as those old LibChurch requests for “dialogue” we used to hear: just a deceptive tactic with a view to shutting down conversation once they are in control.  Tisby let that mostly hidden agenda slip out.

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