Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Whistleblower in Early 2017: “Take out” Trump

The current Impeachment Show Trial is not about some phone call to the Ukraine; it is about taking out Trump.  It has always been about a coup to “take out” Trump even when he was just inaugurated:
Barely two weeks after Donald Trump took office, Eric Ciaramella – the CIA analyst whose name was recently linked in a tweet by the president and mentioned by lawmakers as the anonymous “whistleblower" who touched off Trump's impeachment – was overheard in the White House discussing with another staffer how to remove the newly elected president from office, according to former colleagues….
Two former co-workers said they overheard Ciaramella and Misko, close friends and Democrats held over from the Obama administration, discussing how to “take out,” or remove, the new president from office within days of Trump’s inauguration. These co-workers said the president’s controversial Ukraine phone call in July 2019 provided the pretext they and their Democratic allies had been looking for.
“They didn’t like his policies,” another former White House official said. "They had a political vendetta against him from Day One.”
Read the Real Clear Investigations article for more on their mutinous conversation.  Again, Eric Ciaramella is alleged to be the “Whistleblower” who provided the pretext for the impeachment.  Misko later worked for Adam Schiff, the ringleader of House impeachment efforts.  These Deep State Democrat buddies have been looking for a pretext to “take out” Trump practically from Day One.  And they are far from alone.  Oh, Adam Schiff and the other Democrat Impeachment Managers portray this cabal as principled and “non-partisan.”  They are lying.
I know some may think me conspiratorial for calling all this a coup.  But the more that comes out, the more I am proven correct.  
Trump will almost certainly be acquitted in the ongoing Impeachment Trial.  The question is will we make Democrats pay for their attacks on Constitutional democracy, for their perpetual attempts to nullify our votes, for their perpetual coup? 
NOTE: Again, the reason I am posting this on this Anglican-oriented blog is that a few leaders in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) have taken sides against Trump while expressing concern about democracy (Support for the AND Campaign and for the infamous Christianity Today editorial are two examples.) yet they have said nothing about the Democrat coup against Trump and against our votes.  They have said nothing about Democrats not respecting elections unless they win. So the coup has become an all too relevant topic.

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