Friday, September 10, 2004

CBS has egg on face. Supposed memos are fakes.

Well, well, well. Forgive me for being suspicious, but I thought the 60 Minutes story hyping memos about Bush’s Air National Guard service smelled like a smear job to influence the election for their favorite candidate, John Kerry. But now it turns out that what I was smelling was much worse.

The memos CBS hyped are apparent forgeries. There are stories here and here and all over the blogosphere. Now even the liberal Washington Post is onto this story today.

It seems the biggest of the several problems with these memos is that they use technology which was, at the very least, very unlikely to be available to the gentleman who supposedly wrote the memos in the early 70’s. Yes, word processors back then were called TYPEWRITERS!

CBS News has eagerly acted like a dirty campaign arm of John Kerry. Now it’s blowing up in their faces. They are falling into the pit that they dug.

Isn’t that in the Bible somewhere?

Anyway, keep an eye on this story. It could be huge, discrediting CBS and perhaps others who have attacked Bush for months.

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