Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Lib Church

The controversy over John Kerry being allowed to take communion on the very weekend that he supports open season on unborn children for all nine months of pregnancy brings attention to the so-called church he attends.

It’s a church of “Catholics� who clearly don’t like Catholicism. They remind me of a number of Protestant “churches� led by people who don’t much like Christianity.

So why do such churches exist? And why do the church authorities above them allow them to exist under their auspices? What’s the point of calling yourself a church if you’re not going to be the church and hold to Christ and His word? And why do you want to keep the Catholic label if abortion and gay sex is more important to you than being faithful to the Catholic church and its teachings?

And why do church authorities aid and abet Satan by giving cover to his counterfeit churches? The Archbishop of Boston should tell these people that they have every right as Americans to play church. But if they are going to do it under Catholic auspices, then they will respect orthodox Catholic teaching and authority or will be excommunicated and booted out of the Catholic church. But no. This “church� is allowed to have it both ways – and give attendees like John Kerry cover for their willful sin.

Oh but we should “make sure that everyone feels welcome and that everyone participates in the liturgy.� Being welcoming is great. But allowing anyone to participate in communion so matter what their willful sin or unbelief is wrong. Aiding someone’s illusion that they are perfectly all right with God when they are not and are instead children of Satan bound for Hell is not loving. Church discipline, when proclaiming and holding to the standard of the truth in love, is necessary tough love that can lead someone to obedience to Christ. At the very least, it gives clear warning, which often is the most loving thing one can do towards someone headed in the direction of destruction.

Today’s perverted view of “tolerance� that welcomes everybody and everything (that isn’t conservative, of course) is no substitute for truth and love. And if you think it’s just a coincidence that the oh-so-tolerant Archdiocese of Boston was a center of clergy sexual abuse, then think again. Sexual abuse of children and youth was rampant in that diocese precisely because priests who perverted the truth and themselves were tolerated. Heck, the bishop even tolerated a priest who advocated man-boy sex. And, sure enough, he ended up practicing what he preached.

Churches should have to guts to say, “NO! You will not use the Church of Christ as cover to teach and practice the lies of Satan. In the name of Christ, repent or stop calling yourself either by His name or by His Church!� Any church that doesn’t have the backbone and commitment to do that is no church I want any part of.

Yes, it provokes me to see “churches� abuse Christ’s name to teach, practice or “tolerate� what is against Christ. It enrages me to see churches blaspheme the name of Christ by using the name as a cover for baby killing and apostasy. But Satan loves to use counterfeits. So I guess that’s what’s to be expected.

But I will not tolerate it.

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