Friday, August 14, 2020

Biden: “It’s Not About Your Rights”

Joe Biden has an odd way of campaigning.  No I’m not talking about his staying in the basement for weeks on end.  I refer to him calling for an absurd and irrational face mask requirement to wear masks outside, period – and then rubbing his proposed face mask tyranny in our faces by saying, “It’s not about your rights.”
Hell if it isn’t.
Does he and Kamala really think Americans will respond well to his rubbing his absurd face mask tyranny in our faces like that?  To his trying to take away more of our freedom with so little justification and then lecturing us, “It’s not about your rights”?  I pray not!  
FWIW, I usually wear a face mask in indoor public places of late.  But wearing a face mask outside when no one else is within yards probably harms health more than it helps.  But public health is not really the point.  Our good is not the objective of Leftist tyrants as much as they say it is.  Their objective is compliance, whether that means a mask on our face or a jackboot on our necks.
Not just Biden’s face mask tyranny but this whole election is about our rights, our freedoms.  Democrats have made very clear that in their world, criminals, illegals, vagrants, and rioters have more rights than decent Americans who simply want to live their lives in peace, earn a living, go to a bar, the beach, or church (or all three in my case) and just be left alone by the Bidens, the Karens, the Kamalas and their ilk.
This election and this year for that matter is about our rights.

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