Wednesday, July 15, 2020

George Conger Goes Yard on Wokeness and ACNA

I nearly titled this post “And You Thought I’m Hard on ACNA.”  For during Anglican Unscripted 611, Fr. George Conger pulled few punches in going after wokeness, ACNA, and wokeness in ACNA.

Using his working class parishioners as examples, he pushes back against the notion that racism is America’s biggest problem, beginning around 5 minutes in.  Then after about 8 minutes in, he gets around to woke clergy in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA).  Wow, did he get around to woke clergy in ACNA.  See for yourself.

Both George and Kevin rightly see that the “so woke” clergy “nuts and kooks” in ACNA need to be “roped in” lest they drag ACNA down to Episcopalian levels in 20 years.  George said part of the problem is that much of ACNA is more “The Church of What’s Happening Now” than Anglican.

Hmm, who else has been concerned about The Evangelical Church of What’s Happening Now?

He also said ACNA bishops need to step up and lead against wokeness.  He is right.  

Anyway, this video is a must see for all in ACNA.

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