Wednesday, August 28, 2019

When “White Supremacy” Isn’t What You Think It Is II: Smearing Pro-Lifers

Earlier I noted that under Critical Race Theory and related Leftist ideologies, just about anything can make you a White Supremacist or in league with White Supremacy.  Heck, trying to stay out of politics puts you in the “Pyramid of White Supremacy”.  There’s no escape!
So it should not surprise – although it is profoundly illogical – that being pro-life makes you a target for those wishing to use “White Supremacy” to smear political opponents.  Yes, the Left is actually trying to link the pro-life movement with White Supremacy.  Never mind that real White Supremacists, such as Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, want non-Whites to abort their children.
But pro-lifers instead defend children of all colors . . . which somehow gets twisted into “White Supremacy”, never mind the illogic.  A smear from Amanda Marcotte is especially blatant: “Not an exaggeration to say conservatives believe white women should be forced to breed in order to maintain white supremacy.”
So yes, trying to save children of all colors puts you in league with “White Supremacy”.  Just letting you know.
By the way, this makes it that much more important that churches that oppose abortion, including the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) and the Southern Baptist Convention, confront the Critical Race Theory view of racism and White Supremacy and the accompanying smears.

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