Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Roman Catholics Should Have Freedom of Religion, But Do They Deserve It?

It is becoming that much more clear that the Left is attacking the freedom of religion of Christians, particularly Roman Catholics.  This is confirmed by that oh-so-noble Indian Elder Nathan Phillips attempting to disrupt a mass for the unborn over the weekend.
Not just Christians, but all who care about genuine freedom of religion must rise up and stand our ground against these predatory totalitarians. (And, yes, disrupting services is an old tactic of totalitarians.)
But I say that as the Roman Catholic Church has joined the totalitarians and once again victimized youth by smearing the Covington students. And even after more facts have come out showing the students were the ones who were the targets of bigotry, apologies are slow in coming and often do not come at all.

Just two examples: The Archdiocese of Baltimore smeared the students on twitter, posting “The Archdiocese of Baltimore condemns the disrespect shown toward a Native American elder during the March for Life. Respect for life demands all are treated with dignity.” But when the facts of the matter came out, they deigned only to “clarify” their statement.  No apology.

The Sisters of Mercy tweeted: “Racism and intolerance in all forms go directly against Catholic social teaching. The disturbing videos being shared of this incident showcase a bigoted disrespect of indigenous peoples and remind us how urgent our work for racial justice remains.”  Have these whores of the Left since issued any apology on their twitter account?  Of course not! Being a Libchurcher means never having to say you’re sorry.  Libchurchers confess other peoples’ sin, remember?
As for those Roman Catholics who say such as these do not represent you, I ask do you allow your contributions to filter to such? Then you are complicit, too.
I will continue to do my part to defend the freedom of religion of even such as the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Sisters of Mercy. But do they deserve it? Heck, no.  Are they actually the comrades and dupes of those Leftists who are attacking freedom of religion?  Yes.

1 comment:

LSP said...

