Friday, August 27, 2010

Liberals and the Race Card, the Homophobia Card, the . . .

This morning, Charles Krauthammer nails a common reflex of liberals and leftists – to equate opposition to them to bigotry. And we have been seeing that reflex in spades of various cards lately:

. . . promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking.
-- Resistance to the vast expansion of government power, intrusiveness and debt, as represented by the Tea Party movement? Why, racist resentment toward a black president.
-- Disgust and alarm with the federal government's unwillingness to curb illegal immigration, as crystallized in the Arizona law? Nativism.
-- Opposition to the most radical redefinition of marriage in human history, as expressed in Proposition 8 in California? Homophobia.
-- Opposition to a 15-story Islamic center and mosque near Ground Zero? Islamophobia.

Hence, if you oppose the various agendas of the Left, you are a bigot. Just letting you know.

It will be interesting to see how this bigotry meme plays in November. Krauthammer thinks it will not play very well:

The Democrats are going to get beaten badly in November. Not just because the economy is ailing. And not just because Obama over-read his mandate in governing too far left. But because a comeuppance is due the arrogant elites whose undisguised contempt for the great unwashed prevents them from conceding a modicum of serious thought to those who dare oppose them.


robroy said...

I loved the use of promiscuous. "...promiscuous charges of bigotry are precisely how our current rulers and their vast media auxiliary react to an obstreperous citizenry that insists on incorrect thinking."

Exactly so.

Floridian said...


Same old hard-nose Saul Alinsky tactics.

Same old childish name-calling.

Same old MO of the accuser of the brethren...satan.

Mature people with true God-given faith and convictions ignore them and do not back down...even to the death.