
Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Pusey’s The Doctrine of the Real Presence

I remember many years ago seeing a very large commentary on Psalm 119.  If I recall, it was by a Puritan and was in two thick volumes.  I immediately commented that it’s amazing what a man can do when not distracted by television.  Of course some Puritans tried not to get distracted by any sort of fun, but anyway…

Reading E. B. Pusey’s The Doctrine of the Real Presence As Contained in the Fathers now prompts me to think that it’s amazing what a man can do when not distracted by the internet.  Yes, the internet can assist research (when it’s not concealing it, but do not get me started on that), but it is more impressive to become a human google, and the internet can only do so much to bring that about.

As I read this great work, I cannot but conclude that Dr. Pusey was the 19th century equivalent of Google for Oxford in the area of the church fathers.  His research is amazing.  He quotes any number of fathers I have never even heard of.  If you want to read what the fathers said about the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, there can hardly be a better book.  Pusey gives a multitude of extended excerpts from the Fathers far more than he gives his own thinking.  His last and very long chapter is almost entirely such excerpts. He lets the fathers speak for themselves even when it might seem to weaken Pusey’s contentions.

Speaking of which, one may be surprised that he spends many pages disputing against the Romish doctrine of transubstantiation.  His teaching and the teaching of the fathers of the Real Presence is not to be confused with the error of the Church of Rome.

If one is the least bit interested in reading the fathers concerning the Eucharist, I cannot recommend this book enough.  I am thankful that I’ve been reading this going into the Ascension season as it has impressed me with the wonderful truth that while Christ intercedes for us before the Father in Heaven, yet is also “very present”, including in the Holy Communion.

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