
Friday, May 29, 2020

About AND’s Statement on the George Floyd Killing and Subsequent Riots

To say there is a need for unity in the church and in this country after the George Floyd killing would be an understatement.  Christians and Americans are united in condemning the killing.  But the “social justice” crowd is mishandling their response to the aftermath, particularly the looting and arson, and that is making our divisions worse and even less tolerable.  I certainly include the response of the AND Campaign in that.

Months ago I exposed the AND Campaign as a Democrat front group.  So I was not expecting much from them.  But their statement goes below even my low expectations.  I wonder if I should even bother to respond to it.  But I’m a fool, so here goes…

The riots in Minneapolis are not to be glorified or romanticized, but we must realize that they are a product of a riotous and unjust system. The disorder began when a man’s rights were violated and his life was taken. American racism was rioting against the people long before they took to the streets. We must condemn and address the cause before we can appropriately address the broken reaction. 

So the looting and arson is just “a broken reaction” AND won’t condemn.  The riots are unjust Amerika’s fault anyway.  Got it. 

By the way, the killing has been roundly condemned and is being addressed.  That will not make George Floyd come back.  But the “system,” however imperfect, is striving for justice in this situation.  AND on the other hand cannot even bring themselves to condemn widespread looting and arson.  The excuses for the riots and for AND’s failure are lame.

We cannot place our cultural preferences, partisan interests and flawed race narratives ahead of the Christian justice imperative. 

If you want “partisan interests and flawed race narratives,” look in the mirror, AND.

A spirit of racial hatred and violence has engulfed the United States of America for too long; in fact, it’s our nation’s original sin.

Yes, it’s all AmeriKKKa’s fault.  And the founders came over here because they hated Black people or something.

Now, the Church must offer a sober, determined and steadfast witness against white supremacy as contrary to no less than the very word and judgment of God.

What “white supremacy”?  There are more flat-earthers than white supremacists today.  Cut the CRT posturing.  The church has better things to do than chase around the few remaining idiot white supremacists. 

This is where we stand: not on the shaky ground of man-made ideology or carried by the shifting winds of societal judgment,…

Just a little lack of self-awareness there.

We don’t have to deny our pain, sadness or anger, but we do have to turn it over to God and respond in ways that glorify Him.

Well, you failed, AND.  But then your real objective is conning Christians into supporting Democrats, isn’t it?  That has been Michael Wear’s job for years.

What makes this more sad is that some prominent ACNA clergy are supporting this tripe.  Overall, it is sad that many/most woke church people cannot even bring themselves to condemn looting and arson that is hurting Black people more than anyone else.  Can’t we even unite on that?  Can’t we?

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