
Saturday, May 23, 2020

Jemar Tisby Exposes Himself as a Hack With His Reaction to “You Ain’t Black.”

As promised, I have been watching Woke Church reaction – or lack thereof – to Biden saying “you ain’t Black” unless you vote for him.  But when I took a good look at Jemar Tisby’s twitter account, I was stopped in my tracks.  Jemar Tisby needs to be called out right now.  Usually I sleep on a post when provoked.  But enough is enough from Tisby.

I have searched all of Tisby’s tweets since Biden’s statement, and there is not one word of criticism towards Racist Joe.  Which is odd because isn’t Jemar supposed to be oh-so concerned about racism? Instead he puts on a show of outrage towards an unnamed “white evangelical public personality” (probably Eric Metaxas) for his lampoon of Biden’s racism.

So Biden makes a blatantly racist statement, and Tisby is silent.  Hmm, I thought “silence is complicity.”  But a white evangelical opposes and lampoons Biden’s racism, and Tisby calls that out as bigoted and even calls for him to be cancelled.

But it gets worse.  You’d think Tisby would sleep on it and decide he really should be somewhat balanced and call out Biden for “You ain’t Black.”  But no.  Instead he tweeted this:

So he uses Trump standing up for freedom of religion as an occasion to smear him.  But, at least on twitter, he still gives Biden a silent pass on “You ain’t Black.”  Biden demeans Blacks who dare to think for themselves, and Tisby is silent.  Trump defends religious freedom, and Tisby attacks.

This is far from the first time Tisby has demonstrated such a blatant double standard.  I’ve caught him doing that on anti-semitism.  These are among the many reasons he does not deserve the benefit of the doubt any longer.  You want “transparent”? Jemar Tisby is a transparent, race-baiting Leftist hack using a veneer of Christianity as a cover.

There are well meaning Christians, particularly within ACNA, who have supported and promoted Tisby. It is time they open up their eyes.

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