
Monday, April 27, 2020

30 Reasons for COVID-19 Distrust

It seems the symptoms of COVID-19 are not only coughing, fever, and loss of smell, but also heightened distrust.  That distrust includes conspiracy theories spreading, replicating and mutating faster than the coronavirus.  But one does not have to wear a tin foil hat or believe any of the conspiracy theories to distrust at least some of what is being pushed upon us in the name of combating COVID-19.

To assist those who may wonder why there is so much distrust or even have contempt for it, I present 30 reasons for COVID-19 distrust.  Trust that I could list far more and explain these more, but if I did that, Michigan might open up before I am finished.

1. Moving the goalposts
We were told over and over again that the closings and stay at home orders were necessary to “flatten the curve” so that hospital capacity was not overwhelmed.  Yet when it was obvious hospital capacity was not going to be overwhelmed, governments persisted with their orders. Now some even advocate that we wait for a vaccine before reopening society.  

2. Massaging statistics
I’ve already documented at least one death counted towards COVID-19 when COVID as a marginal factor at best.  That death is far from alone.  It has gotten to be a dark joke how deaths that have little to do with COVID are padding COVID death statistics.
And didn’t Dr. Birx pretty much say that if there are a number of factors in a death of which COVID is one that it will be counted as a COVID death?  I am 98% sure I heard her say that myself.  But now I cannot find that on the internet to save my life.  Which leads to . . .

3. Information and opinions that do not support the shut-everything-down narrative are being suppressed and even censored.

4.  Mark Zuckerberg has admitted that Facebook is taking down posts that promote protests against the shutdowns.

5. Mark Zuckerberg, period.

6. Inconvenient statistics are downplayed.
One justification for the lockdowns was a supposedly high mortality rate for COVID-19.  But as the virus has progressed it is clear its mortality is low, probably under 1%.  Flus can be worse than that.  Yet lockdowns continue.

7. The models from the “experts” were wildly wrong.  Yet they remain the “experts.”
I will cut the “experts” some slack.  This was a new virus and not easy to predict.  But we did shut down much of society because of those models with disastrous consequences.

8. This has become a totalitarian Leftist fantasy.
Greatly harming Western capitalist economies, especially the eeevil oil industry, making us dependant on government, taking away freedoms, especially freedom of religion, and freedom of movement, etc.  Funny how the response to COVID-19 and its results have been a totalitarian Leftist fantasy.

9. Churches are restricted and attacked, even for drive-in services.
The Communist Mayor of New York threatening to close churches permanently is only one instance.

10. Big business benefits while small business is decimated.
Amazon, Costco, Walmart, Target and big box grocery stories are very open and thriving.  But most small businesses are shut down.  Many will not reopen.  And that even though…

11. Many/most small businesses are just as able to maintain social distance as big businesses.
Many/most small businesses usually have light traffic, making it easier to maintain social distance than at, say, a Walmart.  One favorite pub, which I have never seen crowded, was taking temperatures at the door.  If you had a temperature, you didn’t get in.  That pub (now closed for weeks. I pray it reopens.) was surely much safer than a big grocery store.

12. Planned Parenthood remains open.
Killing babies is “essential” don’tcha know.

13. It is questionable how helpful the shutdowns have been in combating COVID-19.

14. The timing seems politically convenient for ChiComs, Democrats, and the Deep State.
With what was a strong economy, President Trump seemed well on the way to reelection.  Now the economy has taken a horrific hit, and the difficulties of emerging from this [manufactured?] crisis make his reelection much more uncertain.  

15.  This has been used as a political weapon against Trump. 
No matter what he does or does not do, he is attacked by Democrats and the “News” Media.  (But I repeat myself.)  He is attacked as too slow to respond by those who were impeaching him and encouraging mass gatherings (such as Pelosi) at the time, yet he was attacked for sharply restricting travel from China back at the end of January.
No, TDS is not logical.

16. Democrat governors and mayors have generally been much harsher in restricting freedoms than Republicans.  Speaking of which…

18. Bill Gates.
And his praising China only adds to the distrust.  Speaking of ChiCom toadies….

19. WHO has made things worse.
The World Health Organization (WHO) downplayed the danger of COVID-19 early, then exaggerated/overestimated the danger and cheerleaded the shutdowns later.  Both increased the damage to Western economies.

20. WHO is in the back pocket of the ChiComs.

21. The ChiComs, period.

22.  This is being used to push letting in illegals, giving them stimulus benefits and giving them jobs.
Yes, it’s sheer madness, but this crisis is somehow being used to advocate letting illegals and other prospective immigrants right on in and remain and giving them jobs which citizens now greatly need.  Relevant Magazine is among those doing so with the apparent support of ACNA Bishop Clark Lowenfield. (Thankfully, President Trump is instead limiting immigration for a time.)

Yes, you should  distrust vote-by-mail among other fraud enabling proposals.

24.  The Deep State has already earned utter distrust.
Do some of the conspiracy theories sound bizarre?  Well, some of them are bizarre. 
But think about it this way.  How bizarre would it be for high-ups in the FBI, DOJ, and CIA to conspire with the Democrat Party and the “News” Media to rig an election, then, when that failed, to overthrow an elected President?  That sounds like a spy novel.
Yet that is exactly what happened.  And that and other enormities make COVID conspiracy theories more believable.  If the Deep State tried to pull that attempted coup against Trump, what else would they try?

25.  Predatory prisoners have been released while surfers, beach runners, and playground moms are arrested.

26.  Why the shutdowns this time?
We’ve had any number of viruses in recent decades that have been as bad or worse – ebola, swine flu, Hong Kong flu, etc.  There were not all these shutdowns then.  It begs questions about other agendas.  Speaking of which…

27. Totalitarians and other power hungry statists have a long history of using crises, real and concocted, to seize more power.
“Never let a crisis go to waste.”

28.  This has brought out totalitarians big and small.
We sure know who the Karens are now, don’t we.

29. Governments are encouraging Karens to spy and report people.  And they gleefully oblige.
If you ever wondered how that became prevalent so easily in Cuba, now you know.

And last, but not least…

30. “The New Normal”
Permanent changes to society, most of which restrict our freedoms, are advocated and passed off as part of “The New Normal” we will have to put up with . . . or else.

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