
Tuesday, April 21, 2020


There really isn’t that much difference overall between fascism and communism.  Both are rather nasty totalitarian forms of socialism.  (Remember that the Nazis were the National Socialist German Workers’ Party.)

But there is one notable difference historically.  The instinct of Communists is to steal, that is “nationalize” everything.  Government takes over most or all industry (with predictably horrible results, of course.  Hence some forms of modern Communism are not that communist while still totalitarian.).  Fascists would rather most business and industry stay in place but collaborate and be tools of the government in suppressing basic freedoms and rights.  Some German companies are still trying to live down that history – Hugo Boss making those very fashionable uniforms for the SS, for example.

Which brings me to Fascistbook, I mean Facebook.  As openly admitted by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is responding to Democrat requests and taking down posts announcing peaceful protests against the coronavirus shutdowns.  Facebook is collaborating with tyrants by interfering with the Constitutional rights of Americans to peaceably assemble and protest.

You want to know what fascism in the United States looks like?  Tyrannical state governments and Fascistbook are showing us part of how it’s done.

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