
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Continuing the Forced Lockdowns is Unjustified and Wrong

An excellent accompaniment to yesterday’s list of 30 Reasons for COVID-19 Distrust is the beginning segment of last night’s Tucker Carlson Tonight. 

I know a few may immediately mock.  But Tucker Carlson was very early in seeing how serious COVID-19 could be and yet now sees that the shutdowns are causing more damage than the virus.  Last night, he noted that data now indicates that the mortality rate from COVID is very low, well under 1%.  Which begs the question, why continue with the shutdowns?

By the way, the video Carlson cites at the beginning has been censored by YouTube.  You must not be allowed to see information not approved by your overlords.

A case certainly could have been made for the shutdowns back when it was thought hospitals would be overwhelmed beyond their capacity and when it was thought mortality might be around 4%.  But hospitals now actually have the opposite problem of empty beds, and mortality is under 1% in the U. S. and may even be under .3%. (That’s under 3 deaths per 1000 infections.)

Hence there is no longer sufficient justification for the shutdowns.  Further, I assert continuing them are now wrong, yes, immoral.  You can use “evil” if you like.

The Rev. Fr. John F. Naugle makes this case from a Roman Catholic viewpoint.  I would add that the God-given dignity of man calls for a great degree of freedom, including the freedom to make a living.

The Lord Himself commands that a man’s livelihood is not to be taken away even if he falls into deep debt:

No one shall take a mill or an upper millstone in pledge, for that would be taking a life in pledge. (Deut. 24:6)

It is safe to say that a virus with a 1% or less mortality rate does not overrule this principle.  Nor does public opinion or the dictates of power-mad politicians.  And the current shutdowns are taking away the livelihoods of many.

Which begs another question: why is most of the church not firmly opposing the continued lockdowns?

Cowardice and timidity is neither godly nor a good witness.

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