
Friday, June 12, 2020

The Evangelical Church of What’s Happening Now VIII: Summarized

Phil Johnson gave his address at the Social Justice and the Gospel conference more than a year ago, and I do not think I agree with all of it.  But a statement early on so well summarizes The Evangelical Church of What’s Happening Now (TECoWHaN) that I have to revive this series to quote it:

Sounds like what is happening now, does it not?  As I said when discussing the “emergent” church:

A recurring pattern of The Evangelical Church of What’s Happening Now is to urge, for the sake of being “missional,” becoming more relevant to aspects of contemporary cultures. And there is certainly a needful place for that within limits.  But also part of the pattern is that, before long, it becomes clear that so being missional and relevant is a cloak for injecting said culture’s false teachings into the church.

Yes, again, all too familiar.  Evangelicals have long had a problem distinguishing being worldly and seeking to win the world to Christ.  They need to read less Tisby and more of St. Paul in Athens and Corinth….

That’s it.  That’s the best I’ve got today.  Go read closely of St. Paul in Athens and Corinth.  Go.

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