
Thursday, June 11, 2020

A Good Morning for Psalms 56 and 57

I never cease to be amazed how the appointed readings in the Book of Common Prayer can be so providential.  I was so amazed during personal Morning Prayer today when I saw Psalms 56 and 57 were appointed for the 11th morning of the month.

These two psalms well describe the mob running rampant today.  They “goeth about to devour” those who dare say no to their evil.  “They be many” and control many/most of the big corporate and educational institutions.  They are tyrannical.  They twist and use people’s words against them.  They “speak lies,” and more.  

The actions and success of the mob of late certainly can alarm.  But…

Nevertheless, though I am sometime afraid, yet put I my trust in thee.
I will praise God because of his word; I have put my trust in God, and will not fear what flesh can do unto me.

These psalms comfort and strengthen in the midst of times such as this.  These psalms remind that God and his people, not predatory mobs, win in the end.  Being so reminded is needful as it takes courage to say and do what is right today when freedom of religion and freedom of speech is so under attack.

Thanks be to God that he knows well what we are going through and helps us providentially through his word and through the Book of Common Prayer.

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