
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Should Ephraim Radner Throw Cold Water On Online Worship? Maybe Not.

I haven’t heard much from Ephraim Radner for years.  And that is probably a good thing.   For I remember his constant drumbeat of criticizing those leaving The Episcopal Church, culminating in his leaving the pre-ACNA Network in a rather ungracious manner:

Bp. Duncan has, in the end, decided to start a new church. He may call it “Anglican” if he wishes, though I do not recognize the name in these kinds of actions that break communion rather than build it up . . . 

Now, although in very different circumstances, orthodox Anglicans are once again striving to minister and be faithful in a difficult situation.  Many are doing so valiantly, including stepping up their online presence.  Personally, I am very thankful for all the excellent online Anglican worship now available.  It is one way God is using this awful circumstance for good.

But Dr. Radner is not so thankful and has thrown cold water on it with his “Should We Live-Stream Worship? Maybe Not.”  His article is close to insulting.  He is certainly dismissive towards those ministering well online much as he was dismissive towards those struggling to be faithful Anglicans by leaving an apostate persecuting denomination.  He even describes livestreaming worship as “maternalizing, infantilizing, and siliconizing the church.”  Well, I guess that makes me infantile.

In fact I am so infantile, it is not easy for me to respond graciously to Radner’s put down, but John Mason Lock and Stewart Clem have

I will say Dr. Radner is far better at addressing the academy than he is at addressing orthodox Anglicans seeking to be faithful under oppression from apostates or under threats from pandemics and overreaching governments.  Perhaps he should stick to academics.

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