
Tuesday, May 05, 2020

No Democrat Big Brother to See Here!

This probably will not convince sheep who still trust Democrats in power, but anyway….

As part of its partial reopening of “nonessential” institutions, Kansas City, Missouri, is now requiring businesses and churches to maintain lists of people who enter their doors, an Orwellian policy established ostensibly to enable the city health department to respond quickly to reports of COVID-19 exposure.

On Thursday, Mayor Quinton Lucas, a Democrat [Of course –Ed.], issued an executive order relaxing some of the provisions of his previous lockdown orders. The new order allows “nonessential” businesses to reopen under the “10/10/10 rule,” which states that “non-essential businesses open to the public must limit the number of customers allowed to no more than ten (10) persons or ten (10) percent of building occupancy (whichever number is greater).”…

It gets worse. While Lucas is graciously allowing “religious gatherings” to resume, he is applying the same rules to them. Under his order, they must follow the 10/10/10 rule and “maintain a record of attendees” that must also be supplied to the health department upon request. In other words, anyone who goes to church or synagogue in Kansas City may now be reported to the city government.

Mayor Lucas is trying to convince people he is not trying to be Big Brother, but he is not very convincing.

What’s next?  Sermon texts must be turned over to the government?  Oh, that’s right.  Democrats in Houston already tried that.

Maybe we will have to pledge submission to the Democrat Party to be allowed to function in society unmolested.  It’s getting close to that point.

I got a better idea.  Maybe “Christians” who enable these fascists with their support of the Democrat Party should wake up, look around, and repent.


MORE (Yes I am doubling down):
In case you think I am too hard on those who support Democrats, a new poll indicates Democrats are more likely than Republican or independents to help out Big Brother by reporting those violating distance rules.

"There is a huge partisan difference," Rasmussen said. "By a 44% to 31% margin, a plurality of Democrats would turn in their neighbors. By a 60% to 25% margin, Republicans would not. Independents are evenly divided.”

If the jackboot fits….

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