
Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Ascended Yet Very Present

This Ascension week means more to me than usual.  I’ve already mentioned I am paying more attention to the Rogation Days, and I prayed the Litany yesterday morning as part of that.

But also lately my thoughts have turned to Jesus being both ascended yet “very present” as a favorite Psalm (46) says.  In both his divinity and his humanity, the ascended Christ now intercedes for us in Heaven before the Father.  Yet at the same time he is very present by the Holy Spirit, in the Holy Sacrament (a subject I may touch on soon), and just by being so omnipresent!  

This all is “too wonderful for me. . . . I cannot attain to it.” (Psalm 139: 6)  Although it is right and edifying to think on Jesus being both ascended yet very present, it is beyond what I can think or even imagine.  At the same time it is profoundly comforting.

During this time when we may be all the more aware of both our need of Jesus’ “very present help” and his intercession for us, may this Feast of the Ascension especially comfort and bless you.  

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