
Thursday, June 18, 2020

ACNA’s Next Generation Leadership Initiative – More Wokeness to Come?

The Next Generation Leadership Initiative (NGL) of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) has their website up.  This particularly alarms me from the Antioch Clergy Initiative page:

The leadership of diocese and the churches receiving curates agrees to work with NGL on multi-ethnic ministry training including:
·       Intentional training on multi-ethnic ministry through reading materials related to a multi-ethnic and ethnic-specific ministry
·       Invite speakers to diocesan events who can address issues related to God’s vision for multi-ethnicity and practical tools for organizational change
·       Attending retreats/conferences on multi-ethnicity (through consultation with NextGen Leadership Team)

One unfamiliar with ACNA initiatives may think this reasonable and think me an alarmist or worse. However, the Anglican Multi-ethnic Network (AMEN), another ACNA initiative, while led by Esau McCaulley pushed woke propagandists such as Jemar Tisby and decried "white privilege" for the sake of multi-ethnic ministry, of course.  McCaulley now leads the NGL Initiative.  Although not led by McCaulley, the Gatherings of the Matthew 25 Initiative have featured a lot of woke propaganda, for the sake of “justice and mercy,” of course. 

This seems to be a pattern in ACNA, to create various initiatives with commendable outward aims that become venues for pushing wokeness. 

Also, it is hard to miss that some who have influence in ACNA think “social justice” advocacy is necessary in attracting more young and non-white clergy and laypeople to ACNA. (That would be news to my very multi-ethnic parish that runs the full spectrum of ages.)

So I think it is to be expected that NGL will be pushing more of the same, more confusion of ministry and Lib/Left advocacy.  I would like to be proven wrong on this and other concerns about NGL.  But I am usually right about this sort of thing, which can be annoying.

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