
Friday, May 22, 2020

"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't Black."

Yes, Joe Biden really did say that on a radio show this morning.  Here is the train wreck with some context:

Yes, incredible.  Now I could wax eloquent about how racist this is, to say that a Black person must stay on the Democrat plantation to be a good Black, a real Black even.  But there are already quite a number of Black people, among others, who are doing a better job of that than I could.

I do wonder if many of various colors who so love to use the word “racist,” I do wonder if many of them will speak out against this blatant racism of Biden.  You know if Trump had said this, the woke crowd would be oh so outraged, and I would have to agree with them.  How will they respond now?  I am watching with interest.  I’m especially watching you woke church people.  Just letting you know.

By the way, if memory serves me right, I’ve predicted Trump will get 15% of the Black vote.  If Biden is the Democrat nominee, I now think it will be closer to 20% even if Biden chooses a Black running mate, which he very well may now to try to undo the damage from this debacle.

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