
Friday, May 08, 2020

Democrats Show They Cannot Be Trusted with Justice

This week may be one to be remembered.  I was intending to make a different post today, but yesterday, particularly the exoneration of Michael Flynn, was of such import and possible lasting impact, I put that aside. 

So much could be said – and trust that I could say a lot! – but I will hone in on one important lesson of this week: today’s Democrats cannot be trusted with justice.

Yes, that is a very broad and very partisan sounding statement.  But stay with me and note the response of key Democrats to the Flynn exoneration.  They doubled down on portraying Flynn as the bad guy in this.  And that even though the FBI Comey Cabal pursued Flynn even as lower down agents advised that they thought Flynn did not lie and were even about to drop the case.  But not only did the Comey Cabal and DOJ prosecutors go forward with their unethical perjury trap; the prosecutors blackmailed Flynn into a guilty plea by threatening his son.  

Then through the pre-trial and trial, the prosecutors withheld exculpatory evidence from Flynn’s lawyers.  It was this evidence finally being released this week, evidence that revealed FBI and prosecutorial misconduct, that prompted the Department of Justice to drop the case.

This should be a time to rejoice that justice prevailed and that an unjust investigation and prosecution failed.  Should be.

Yet not only are Democrats still portraying Flynn as the bad guy, they are attacking Attorney General Barr for doing what any ethical AG would do.  Democrats once again are demonstrating they would rather have political prisoners than justice.

In a different area note that Joe Biden this week pledged to reverse reforms by Education Secretary DeVos protecting the due process rights of college students accused of sexual misconduct.  Recall that under Obama, college tribunals tore up due process rights of the accused, including cross examination and the presumption of innocence.  They became kangaroo courts in a number of cases with predicable injustices and subsequent lawsuits.

Biden wants to go back to that.

In light of the credible sexual misconduct accusations against Biden, his message to college students is quite clear: “Due process and the presumption of innocence for me, but not for thee.”

Is that who we want appointing DOJ officials, federal judges, and Supreme Court Justices?

Yes, seeing Democrats react to real progress in justice this week makes me fear for justice should they regain power.

Now there are a number of church leaders and activists, particularly in the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA), who are all about “justice.”  Good for them!  Here they have an opportunity to demonstrate their concern for justice by speaking out against these Democrat attacks on justice, particularly on fair play, the presumption of innocence and due process.  These “justice” church people have an opportunity to demonstrate that their much desired “justice” isn’t just a buzzword for Leftist political agendas and Democrat victory.

I advise against holding one’s breath waiting for them to do so.

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