
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Democrat Governor of Kentucky Vows to Quarantine Easter Churchgoers

One nice thing about COVID-19 is that it is revealing who the totalitarians are, both among busybody neighbors and tyrannical politicians.
Take Democrat Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, please.  Go to church services in Kentucky tomorrow Easter Sunday, and he will try to slap a 14-day quarantine on you.

“We’re having to take a new action, and I hoped that we wouldn’t, and it’s that any individual that’s going to participate in a mass gathering of any type that we know about this weekend we’re going to record license plates and provide it to local health departments.

“Local health departments are going to come to your door with an order for you to be quarantined for 14 days,” Beshear said.

This has a bright side as well.  Beshear may have just guaranteed he will be a one-term governor.

But if we real Americans do not fight back against the tyranny that is using the coronavirus as its latest pretence, our freedoms may be short lived as well.

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