
Monday, March 30, 2020

In Praise of Smokey Matt’s During Coronavirus

Yesterday, I surely heard more sermons (four) in one day than ever before.  At least, COVID is good for something!  Any number of churches are dutifully working to get the word and worship online.
Among the churches I visited, one stands out.  Yes, my favorite Anglican parish in the U. S. (other than my own) of St. Matthias Dallas, aka Smokey Matt’s.
First, their audio is the best I’ve come across. And that is important.  A frequent weakness of online worship is the sermon is hard to hear.  That was the case with two of sermons I heard yesterday.  Second, St. Matthias has services online just about everyday.  For example, they had Matins and Mass early this Monday morning even.  
And the organ they have during some services is very nice!
St. Matthias has details of what they are up to on their home page.  You can access their live streams through their Facebook page.
I’m confident all my pious readers are using this Coronavirus Lent to worship, pray, and listen more, not less.  The worship of St. Matthias Dallas certainly merits an online visit.  May the day come soon when I can visit in person once again.

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