
Friday, March 13, 2020

Coronavirus Closing Overkill? UPDATED

A few months from now, I suspect a large group will look foolish, either those who cancelled everything or those who downplayed the danger of coronavirus.  Yes, maybe both will look foolish.  But I suspect the excessive cancellers will look more foolish.
Take the NCAA Basketball Tourney, popularly known as March Madness, that I was very much looking forward to.  The initial plan to carry on but with only family and necessary staff attending was wise. But to cancel it all? Family, teams, and staff interact anyway.  To cancel the tourney does not protect much more or prevent virus spread much more but it does give yet one more big hit to the economy and national morale.
Even churches are cancelling services, among whom are ACNA’s Church of the Ascension in Pittsburgh.  It is hard for me to criticize efforts to reduce the spread of coronavirus, but at times like this, people need and perceive their need of church even more.  I know that as I reduce my social interaction and experience increased stress, I need church more.  I will keep more social distance when I go this Sunday, but I want to go!  And, no, watching church on a screen won’t do.
Contrast Pope Gregory the Great’s response to a plague.  He led a procession into the teeth of it.  That may seem a bit medieval, but closing churches instead seems a bit . . . well, I will leave that to the reader.
Now I will make an exception.  Episcopal Churches and mainline Presbyterian Churches, yes, please do close for the sake of public heath both physical and spiritual.  Thank you.


UPDATE: St. Matthias Anglican (REC) of Katy, Texas has suspended its services for this Sunday.

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