
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

BREAKING: ACNA Bishops Ask for No “In-person Worship Services”

From the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America Foley Beach:

I write to you after meeting with our bishops this afternoon. We considered the advice given by the President of the United States' Coronavirus Team, the Centers for Disease Control, the Public Health Agency of Canada, and by governmental authorities in Canada, Mexico, and the United States strongly advising that no public gatherings of 10 or more people be held.  It is our desire to partner with our civic officials as they seek to exercise their duty to protect our communities. Therefore, the College of Bishops is asking our congregations not to hold in-person worship services or gatherings until further notice, but to offer, when possible, worship services on a virtual platform. We realize these are extreme measures that we had hoped to avoid, but for the health and welfare of everyone in our churches and communities, this is something we all must put into practice immediately.
Each diocesan bishop will communicate to his diocese regarding the specifics of how this will be applied in each local diocesan context.

My initial response is similar to when the Anglican Bishop of South Carolina shut down services. I think it a once-size-fits-all response and well meaning over-reaching.
I am well aware mine is likely a minority opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Headed to what is likely to be the last live service at my church for some time. Assuming the clergy have not checked their email.
