By now traditional
Catholics know too well that Pope Francis is dreadful in too many ways. Not to brag – one would rather be wrong
about such things – but I knew very early on there was something wrong with
him. How?
His first Easter Vigil was
less than three weeks after he became Pope. It would have been logical that he’d just go with Benedict’s
excellent liturgy. Instead,
Francis shortened it.
Francis processed into a darkened and silent Saint
Peter's Basilica at the start of the service, in which the faithful recall the
period between Christ's crucifixion on Good Friday and resurrection on Easter
One of the most dramatic moments of the Easter Vigil
service that usually follows - when the pope would share the light of his
candle with others until the entire basilica twinkled - was shortened this year
as were some of the Old Testament readings.
The Vatican has said these provisions were in
keeping with Francis' aim to not have his Masses go on too long.
Thus, early on, Francis
showed his utter lack of sound priorities. The Easter Vigil is not a service one cuts short. For one thing, part of the drama of it
is its deliberate pace. In the
primitive church, it could go all night.
And so early in his papacy didn’t he have better things to do than chop
up the Easter Vigil?
But Francis rushes in and
starts undoing the excellent liturgy of the best liturgical Pope of our
Yes, it was then that I
already knew something was wrong with Francis.
I pray my Roman Catholic
friends have a blessed Holy Week and Easter anyway.
I agree that there is something seriously amiss here, but I can't quite go along with the desire to shorten sometimes interminable services. My favorite, NOT the most important, verse is Matthew 6:7. Perhaps the best translation is "When you pray, do not babble like the pagans who think to be heard by the number of their words."