
Monday, April 27, 2015

Help a Persecuted Christian Family (but Boycott GoFundMe)

Many of you are familiar with the plight of the Klein family in Oregon.  Their Sweet Cakes by Melissa business had to close their store and retreat to their home.  The business car has been vandalized and broken into twice.  And now they face a $135,000 fine.

Why? Because their Christian convictions would not allow them to participate in a Lesbian wedding by baking a cake for that.  And the Gay Rights Pink Shirts and allies, for whom the gay agenda trumps just about everything, including freedom of religion, would not tolerate the Klein’s Christian choice.

“Choice” is for those who wish to abort their babies or marry the same gender, not for those who wish to live according to their Christian convictions, don’tchaknow.

But people rose up to help out the Kleins by using GoFundMe.  But the Pink Shirts would not tolerate that either.  So they pressured GoFundMe to remove the campaign, and GoFundMe caved.

Oh, GoFundMe abused a company policy against “heinous crimes” to explain their decision to pull the fundraising campaign for the Kleins.  But their explanation is an obvious fig leaf to try to cover up that they caved to the Pink Shirts and joined the persecution of this Christian family.  Only to Pink Shirts and allies is refusing to bake a cake for a gay wedding a “heinous crime.”

Therefore, I urge all readers to boycott GoFundMe.  They have caved to fascists to stop a legitimate campaign to help persecuted Christians. Christians should therefore withhold any fundraising from GoFundMe.

I do nonetheless urge helping out the Kleins and other persecuted Christians, whose numbers are increasing here and around the world.  Samaritan’s Purse is doing just that.

Well, isn’t this interesting.  It turns out the owner of another Portland area baker – a competitor? – was one of those pushing GoFundMe to pull the campaign:

GoLocalPDX reported that a Portland baker, Lisa Watson, of Cupcake Jones, started her own campaign to contact GoFundMe and report the Sweet Cakes campaign as being in violation of their terms of service.

"This business has been found GUILTY OF DISCRIMINATION and is being allowed to fundraise to pay their penalty," Watson said in a post on her Facebook page. "The gofundme terms of service address hate speech, bigotry, criminal activity, and sexism among other things in their campaign...The amount of money they have raised in a matter of a few hours by thousands of anonymous cowards is disgusting."

Speaking of disgusting, a brief perusal of her Facebook page reveals her to be a Pink Shirt indeed.

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