
Monday, May 09, 2011

Osama Humor Already

Is there something about being extremely evil that also makes one extremely funny? Adolf Hitler has been – and still is – the source of a great deal of humor through the years. I wonder if a similar process has already begun with Osama bin Laden.

The videos of him watching TV have gone viral (which may be a smart PR move by the Obama Administration). The results are predictable and funny.

We’ve also been informed that he dyed his grey beard. That fact should provoke some faux Grecian Formula ads. Oops, already done . . . three years ago.

Then there are reports that this scourge of all things Western liked infidel Coke and Pepsi. I have not seen any attempts to exploit that for humor yet, but you just KNOW it’s coming and very soon.

There are also reports (and I am not yet confident in these) that what Osama bin smoking is some homegrown weed.

Oh, boy.

Feel free to post (somewhat clean) humor about Osama bin Laden in the comments. (But don’t bother with the drink called Osama. That one is old . . . already.)


  1. RECCHIP2:05 PM

    There is a recipe for a new cocktail which has been circulating among veterans:

    The Osama Bin Laden

    Two Shots and a splash of water.

  2. I told you not to tell that joke!

