
Wednesday, March 09, 2011

The Sarum Missal’s Ash Wednesday Collects

Last year, I noted that the Sarum Missal assigned propers to every day in Lent. And I stated my intention to use them in my Lenten devotions this year. And I began doing so this morning.

The Sarum Ash Wednesday liturgy contains a remarkable series of seven collects near the beginning. I prayed those during my personal daily office this morning.

Some Sarum prayers I have to slightly edit ala Cranmer because of theological issues, but not these seven. With a hat tip to the (Roman) Anglo-Catholic, here they are:

O Lord, we beseech thee, hear our prayers, and spare all those who confess their sins unto thee, that they whose consciences by sin are accused by thy merciful pardon may be absolved. Through etc. R. Amen.

Inspire, we beseech thee, O Lord, thy servants with thy saving grace, that their hearts being melted by plenteousness of tears may be so softened and subdued that the working of thy anger may be turned away by a fitting satisfaction. Through etc.
[Ed: Of course the “fitting satisfaction” is the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.]

Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, unto these thy servants that by repentance they may continually work out the conditions of their purification; and that to enable them more effectually to fulfil the same the grace of thy visitation may prevent and follow them. Through etc.

Let thy merciful kindness, O Lord, we beseech thee, prevent these thy servants, that all their iniquities may be blotted out by thy speedy forgiveness. Through etc.

Be favourable, O Lord, to our supplications, and let not the pitifulness of thy mercy be far from thy servants; heal their wounds, and forgive their sins, that being separated from thee by no iniquities, they may ever hold fast to thee their Lord. Through etc.

O Lord our God, who art not overcome by our transgression, but dost graciously accept satisfaction, look, we beseech thee, upon thy servants who confess that they have grievously sinned against thee; to thee it appertaineth to give absolution from offences, and to grant pardon to sinners ; thou hast said that thou wouldest rather the repentance than the death of sinners; grant, therefore, O Lord, to these thy servants, that they may keep unto thee the vigil of penitence, and amending their ways may rejoice that everlasting joys have been conferred on them by thee. Through etc.

O God, whose pardon every man needeth, remember thy servants and thy handmaidens; and because through the uncertain frailty of their mortal bodies, they are despoiled of virtue, and in many things have done amiss, we beseech thee that thou wouldest give pardon to them as they confess their sins, and spare thy suppliants, that they who are accused by their own deserts may be saved by thy pity. Through etc.

Expect me to post more from the Sarum Missal this Lent.

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