
Sunday, February 06, 2011

A Boy Named Reagan

The moment I realized how much I missed Ronald Reagan came at Denton Bible Church shortly after his death. The morning service had just ended when I noticed a Russian teenage boy I knew. A family or two at Denton Bible had adopted Russian children, and they added a lot to the life of our church.

The boy’s name was Reagan.

We were chatting, and loving to teach as I do, I said with a smile, “Let me tell you about who you are named after.” And I told him of Ronald Reagan and of how helped wear down the old Soviet Union. And because of that, Russia and the United States were now on good terms . . . and that was a big reason he got adopted and was with us.

The thing is, I had a lot of trouble getting all that out. I broke down crying before him before I could finish. The boy was a great kid and, with a calm smile, was patient with me.

And, to be honest, I am crying now as I type this.

That boy named Reagan, and us all, owe Ronald Reagan so much.

And I miss him.

Happy 100th birthday, Mr. President. And thank you.


  1. Kelso9:58 AM

    The only president I ever loved. The only presidential candidate I ever WANTED to vote for - all the others I voted for were just the LESSER of two evils...but not you, Ronaldus Magnus. Sleep well, lifeguard, hero, defender of freedom.

  2. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Thanks, Mark. I'm going to repost this on my site (with full credit). I also miss the greatest President of my long lifetime.
