
Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama Wins Nobel Peace Joke (UPDATED)

When I sleepily flipped on the TV this morning and heard that Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, I had to immediately go online to make sure I heard that right, and sure enough . . . .

It is hard to plumb the depths of the absurdity of this award, but to start: the deadline for nominations was February 1st. So The Dear Leader earned the Nobel Peace Prize after only ten days in office. Sing to The Dear Leader!!

I may comment more later. But I think it best for now to provide some links:

The Times of London has published an excellent editorial. And even the U.S. “mainstream” news media is a bit stunned.

Hot Air and The Corner are following this matter closely.

Funny that Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize the same day he bombs the Moon. ;)

O.K., this is really getting silly now. The Democrat National Committee says that if you criticize Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize, you side with terrorists! I. am. not. joking.


  1. With a few exceptions -- Mother Teresa and Lech Walesa being to notable examples -- most recent awards have been laughable examples of left-wing backscratching.

    It's amusing, but not surprising, that Arizona State University has higher standards for who they'll give an honorary doctorate to than the Nobel Committee does for who they'll award the Peas. . . I mean Appease . . . er, Piece . . .ugh, Peace Prize!

  2. Congratulations to President Obama!

  3. James Manley7:34 PM

    The DNC is so out of step. Only two days ago President Obama said that the Taliban are the good guys now.

    They really need to keep up with their Nobel Laureate.

  4. Really ........LOL.....

  5. I thought this was an "Anglican" blog...why not just change the name

  6. Mateo, read the description of long standing at the top. Pondering "worldly things" has always been a part of this blog.


  7. Know why Mr. Obama did not win the Nobel Prize for Literature? He wrote two books.
